Wednesday 25 May 2011

Your Libertarian View Extends To Legalising Heroin And Prostitution If States Decide To Allow It. Isn't It The Government's Job To Enforce Social Norms And To Protect People?

There are moral objections I have to government restricting the freedom for individuals to make their own decisions but the effects of legislating morality through prohibition, whether it be alcohol through the 1920's or drugs such as marijuana today show that the only people who benefit are criminals, terrorists and politicians.

To take my philosophy of freedom and turn it into a cliche that would have my number one priority be to legalise heroin is a gross distortion of my views.

My priorities are to reduce our spending enough to avoid the impending debt crisis, to reverse the growing bureaucracy that undermines our personal freedoms and to bring our troops home.

Quickly refute the false premise in the question before framing the response around the crucial issues.

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