Tuesday 14 June 2011

How Would You Keep Medicare Solvent For The Next Fifty Years?

Many of our entitlement programs as they stand today will not last five years, let alone fifty.

Anyone who is serious about solving this problem must be able to prioritise our spending. That starts with reducing our spending overseas and our involvement through war and welfare of foreign nations. Surely our priority is the welfare of our own citizens before that of another soverign nation?

We should make good on our promises to those who have paid into the system their entire life, but we should also also give people a chance to opt out of the system entirely. Let responsible individuals keep their own money to make their own retirement and healthcare decisions.

Democrats are going to have to admit that our entitlement programs have reached too far and Republicans are going to have to admit that we spend way too much overseas. That is our path toward reform.

Frame the response around prioritising spending and the considerations required from those serious about reform

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