Saturday 4 June 2011

What's The Problem With A National ID Card As A Solution For Illegal Immigrant Workers?

The upfront and ongoing cost of such a system, the bureaucracy involved in obtaining the ID's in the first place, the possibility of incorrectly screening out legal workers and the potential for this personally identifiable information being used for other purposes are all reasons to be against this proposal.

Additionally, those who knowingly hire illegal workers won't use such a system, so presumably this proposal is targeted toward employers who do not know that their employees are illegal. I imagine that this would represent quite a small fraction of the American workforce.

Even if this solution was to be implemented and work perfectly, all we would achieve is a minimal gain in controlling illegal workers at the expense of all lawful American workers having to forfeit more of their personal freedom.

This sounds like a solution in search of a problem. It doesn't achieve anything that the existing process of checking for a valid work permit does. If we are to solve the problem of illegal immigrant workers, it will be through reforming Immigration Law and Policy, not through a National ID.

List reasons against the proposal in a single sentence, framing the response around the unintended consequences of this solution.

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